CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST and a PSYCHO Thought Experiment

I started this blog with the intention of reviewing all the canonical “cannibal” films. I began with the Adamic Man From Deep River and moved on, chronologically, from knock-off to knock-off (or, from innovator to innovator, as the case may be). My plan, when I had neatly disposed of these cinematic anthropophagi, was to take up other genres — zombies, hagsploitation, killer cars, that sort of thing.

I never made it so far. In fact, I never finished with the cannibals. When it came time to write about my favorite of these films — the one that made me want to write about cannibals in the first place — I found I couldn’t keep my opinions organized and consistent. I was stumped by a number of problems relating to the nature of art and criticism, language and metaphysics — problems which, ten years later, still stump me.

What you are reading now isn’t my long-awaited review of Cannibal Holocaust but simply an account of one of the many intellectual impasses that have prevented it.

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